Human rights
In today’s world :
While many countries recognize today the importance of respect for human rights, we can see that reality is far removed from the ideals declared by the Universal Declaration and that violations take place everywhere in this world.
Respect for human rights is an unattainable goal for some States. Others think that the latter are part of a too Christian and, therefore, too Western pattern. They interpret this as domination by the liberal model. For their part, the poorest countries have resistance to certain economic and social rights. A criticism that developed countries make.
In the absence of a supranational authority, the 1948 Universal Declaration remains a principled document and a symbolic statement that is in no way binding on States. They are therefore free to put in place or not measures to make human rights active within their borders.
Segregation is an endemic phenomenon on the planet. Apart from the millions of individuals who are sitting in a prison for having only tried to express their convictions, we are witnessing a growing rise in the discrimination of minorities: religious, racial, political.
A government has a duty to provide security for its citizens; this is an essential right relating to the preservation of everyone’s life.
Fear of the Other is a recurring feeling that prompt people to be wary of stranger.
Wherever they take place, human rights violations inflict same pain on individuals. Except physical and cultural characteristics, people are not fundamentally different. Through an effort of mutual understanding, problems seemingly rooted in the collective unconscious are solved.
Inalienable rights will continue to be violated ad vitam aeternam if the current model continues. Certainly, according to the regimes that govern them, countries are very unequal in this field. Although none so far has established a social framework that is truly respectful of the human person.
The best democracies, and even more the others, are not aware of flouting justice by setting up restrictive measures or by maintaining traditions that are sources of inequality and that legitimize a certain type of violence. As for the capitalist system, it penalizes the expression of human rights. It restricts the use of freedom, which becomes the prerogative of a minority. In theory, liberalism is for the good of humanity. In practice, it is humanly destructive.
Under the governance of the Triunicie :
Thanks to the triunite model, the universality of human rights would no longer be an ideal but a reality. The Spiricience, whose role of super-ethics that I have already explained, would oblige to respect specific rules.
These rights become duties for the Triunicie :
For the Triunicie, the right to life is fundamental to all the others. Life is a necessary basis for being a free person and able to claim the rights to dignity, justice and equality.
Following his human nature, everyone is entitled to claim respect for his person and fair treatment. When he is deprived of his dignity, an individual no longer feels like a real human.
There can be no exception to freedom. Each person must be able to enjoy the greatest possible equality. Any restriction, because of a cultural or ethnic characteristic, corresponds to a form of slavery and finally of inhumanity.
Dependent on his parents and unable to survive without them, the human being is not free at birth. Heredity, physical characteristics, strong or deficient health, a specific gift, a condition of birth, etc. … do not put people on an equal footing. On the other hand, all are equal in dignity and rights. They can claim equal treatment because they are human and in spite of their difference. Thanks to its ethical rigor, the Triunicie promotes true equality in all sectors of society.
About health and access to care, these rights are inherent in those related to equality and dignity. The Triunicie focuses on health in its widest sense and thus establishes a universal framework so that all citizens can benefit from an equivalent system.
The Triunicie allows the advent of a sustainable world peace. Its action toward respect for human rights promotes a climate of international peace and security. On the contrary, the will to make exist these last ones in their fullness inevitably brings a desire for pacifism.